The HSF/M 2015: Challenge #12: Re-Do
Gosh, another year almost over! And here I am writing the last HSF/M challenge post for the year (ridiculously, ridiculously late, as it should have been done before the month started!). It’s hard to know what to write about for the Re-Do challenge, as there is both nothing and everything to give you as inspiration. Looking back at the years challenges, you probably know which challenges you didn’t do, but really want to do, which challenges you did do, but wish you could re-do because you weren’t happy with what you made, and which challenges you enjoyed doing so much that you want to do them again! Re-do is always a nice challenge, because it gives you the opportunity to do any of those things, and to get any leftover projects all tidied up for the new year. I generally end up with so many leftover projects at the end of the year (partly because the biggest part of each project is planning and research, and too often I think of the perfect plan halfway …