All posts filed under: Miscellenia

The Historical Sew Fortnightly – come sew with me!

One year, a challenge every fortnight, and at the end of it, 26 fabulous historical garments. How it works: Every fortnight in 2013 I’ll post a themed challenge and we’ll each sew (or knit, or crochet, or tatt, or embroider, or whatever it is you call making a hat, or otherwise create) a historical garment or accessory that fits the theme. I’ll post the challenges 7 ahead, so that you have plenty of time to plan and work on more elaborate challenges. You can do as many or as few of the challenges you want — I’ll be trying my best to do all 26, but if you can only do 6, that’s fine. For the purpose of the Historical Sew Fortnightly, ‘historical’ means 75 years or older, so pre 1938. Your item can be as basic or elaborate as you want, from a simple fichu to fill in the neckline of a gown, to a full ensemble from the undergarments outward: whatever you need and can can handle time and skill-wise. I’m hoping that …

Want to sew along with me?

I’ve been doing Sew Weekly this year, and have amassed a great wardrobe of self-made stuff, both vintage and modern. However, my historical sewing has suffered.  It’s been a very un-prolific year for me history wise, and I miss getting really dug-in to elaborate dresses and hand sewing.  All I got done this year was the pet-en-l’aire (and it still needs trimming), the tea gown (and it needs a re-working), Nana’s corset (and it needs straps, and I haven’t even shown you photos), and the 1883 pleated skirt. Thinking about next year, I’ve decided I have quite enough clothes, and I want to focus on historical sewing.  I’d love to do a historical sew-weekly, but I don’t think that’s feasible – I’d just end up creating a ton of drawers and cartridge pleated skirts and would always be in a rush. Instead, I think 2013 will be the year of the Historical Sew-Fortnightly.  Over the course of the year I’ll set myself themed challenges, and sew 26 fabulous historical garments.  Some will be quite elaborate, …

How do you like your Hobbitses?

Living in New Zealand, and especially Wellington, it’s impossible for me not to be aware of and interested in Peter Jackson’s Middle Earth films.   I first came to New Zealand as a student the year that The Return of the King came out, and Wellington had its first international film premier.  I really didn’t come for that – I was probably the only American student to come to NZ on foreign exchange that year who wasn’t madly interested in either LotR, extreme sports, or rugby.  In face, I barely knew that any of those things were happening until I got on the airplane (the rugby and extreme sports were a bit of a nasty shock actually). But in New Zealand I was constantly thrown in the company of students who had specifically come so they could visit all the LotR filming sites and attend the premier, so I travelled with them, and did all these things.  And took lots of pictures, which I’ve illustrated this post with, because I’ve been really lazy and haven’t …