Rate the Dress: 1830s excess meets 1840s restraint
Apologies for the late Rate the Dress. But, the late post means I found an dress I’d entirely forgotten about in my inspiration file, and it’s so fabulously fascinating I’m hoping it makes up for a late post! Last Week: an Empire era spencer & petticoat I’m not usually a brown fan, but I’m obsessed with the particular ochre shade of last week’s spencer, but alas, many of you do not share my love. And even those who loved the spencer weren’t sure about it paired with the frilly petticoat – though you liked each garment on its own merits. However, I’m afraid I may have cheated the score every so slightly by showing that interior view, because I suspect some of the costume nerds among you were so charmed by the details you gave the outfit a higher score for it! The Total: 7.9 out of 10 An improvement on the week before, but hardly brilliant. This week: an 1840 dress in harlequin pattern This week’s Rate the Dress carries on my love for …