All posts filed under: Rate the dress

Dress (c. 1840), England, wool, silk National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Purchased through The Art Foundation of Victoria with the assistance of David Syme & Co. Limited, Fellow, 1977

Rate the Dress: 1830s excess meets 1840s restraint

Apologies for the late Rate the Dress. But, the late post means I found an dress I’d entirely forgotten about in my inspiration file, and it’s so fabulously fascinating I’m hoping it makes up for a late post! Last Week: an Empire era spencer & petticoat I’m not usually a brown fan, but I’m obsessed with the particular ochre shade of last week’s spencer, but alas, many of you do not share my love. And even those who loved the spencer weren’t sure about it paired with the frilly petticoat – though you liked each garment on its own merits. However, I’m afraid I may have cheated the score every so slightly by showing that interior view, because I suspect some of the costume nerds among you were so charmed by the details you gave the outfit a higher score for it! The Total: 7.9 out of 10 An improvement on the week before, but hardly brilliant. This week:  an 1840 dress in harlequin pattern This week’s Rate the Dress carries on my love for …

Spencer jacket & petticoat, France, circa 1815, Jacket- cotton plain weave; skirt- cotton plain weave with linen net and cotton plain-weave appliques, LACMA M.2007.211.15a-b

Rate the Spencer & Skirt

I’ve had a very busy week, with teaching and patternmaking and talking, which is why there have been no posts between last week’s Rate the Dress and today’s post. Luckily I had this week’s garment for rating all picked out! I hope you enjoy studying it as much as last week’s wedding dress. P. S. Welcome to new raters! PLEASE read the note at the bottom of this post. Last Week: an all-lace Edwardian wedding dress Last week’s frock should probably get a bonus point for breaking the 50 comment mark! If nothing else, you certainly found it interesting. There were three distinct comment groups: 9s, 7s, & 4s. And only one person rated it a 10! With so many unimpressed raters, the total came in at… The Total: 6.4 out of 10 Not a popular choice with many! This week: an Empire era spencer & petticoat  This week’s Rate the Dress continues last week’s white and lacy theme for the bottom half, with a petticoat trimmed with linen net and appliqued lace, and goes dark …

Rate the Wedding Dress

UPDATE: Ratings on this dress closed on March 9th. This week’s Rate the Dress is one that has been in my RTD file for a long time, but it’s never been the right one. This week is finally its time. Last Week: 1780s pick ups and pleats  For last week’s 1780s mint green concoction you either adored the colour, or hated it, and either loved the pleats, or found them fussy, and either thought the silhouette was fabulously shepherdess-y, or far too extreme and boxy, and either thought the fly fringe was a fascinating touch, or weird and hairy. Most of you who loved the things loved most of the things, if not all, and very few of you hated everything, leading to a score of… The Total: 8.4 out of 10 A major improvement after last week, but not as good as a lot of other recent picks. This week: 1780s pick ups and pleats  Our Rate the Dress for the week is a 1907 wedding dress featuring a full helping of Edwardian frills, lace, …