56 Search Results for: five for friday

Five for Friday: Songs for Sewing To

I love music. I own a lot of music, in a huge range of genres.  My collection is, to say the least, random and eccentric.  I wouldn’t say I know a lot about music, I rarely even know the proper name for songs, and I certainly don’t know anything when it comes to making it, but I still love it. My life has theme songs: certain pieces of music that play in my mind when I do certain things. Here is my soundtrack to sewing: 1. Classical KDFC. I didn’t grow up listening to classical music.  For some reason the classical radio station in Hawaii picks the most depressing, morose, dirgelike (and possibly just flat out dirge) classical music.  So I thought classical music was dire.  Then, working in a costume shop in the Bay Area when I was at university, we sewed to the San Francisco classical radio station, and I discovered that actually, classical music (and baroque music, and romantic music, and impressionist music) are all awesome.  So awesome that in retrospect I’m …

Five for Friday: HSF favourites so far

When I first posted the Historical Sew Fortnightly I promised to post my favourite item for each challenge.  And then the HSF got so big that I’ve spent so much more time than I had planned on organising and administering it and I ran out of time to post about favourites. To make this up, here is a quick round up of my favourites for the first 5 challenges (plus a bonus for the bonus challenge). It  was REALLY hard to pick favourites – there are so many amazing things that have been produced, and such a range of periods, experience levels, and personal taste.  I’ve chosen the items I thought best represent the spirit of the Historical Sew Fortnightly; the quest to explore history, raise our skill levels and standard, stretch ourselves (or sometimes just get something done, rather than just procrastinating);  and the spirit of the individual challenge.  Inevitably there are some projects that I adored that I just haven’t been able to post about.  I didn’t purposely try to pick different seamstresses …

Five for Friday: 2012 in Review

Theresa asked me to write a post looking back at my Sew Weekly sewing, and Cation Designs did an awesome round-up of her 2012 sewing wins/losses + her goals for 2013.  I have smushed the two together, for a look back at what I did best, what I did worst, and where I am going from here. Top five (non historical) favourites for 2012: The Butterick 8044 True Love Story ca. 1940 dress.  I haven’t worn it that many times because the weather got too warm, but whenever I do I feel so special, and so gorgeous. The All About the Fabric dress.  I wore it for Thanksgiving.  I wore it for the Full Swing Christmas dance.  I wore it for Christmas.  I even wore it for Gran’s funeral.  I get comments on it whenever I do.  It’s different, and pretty, and very comfortable. The Capelet of Yay.  I wear that capelet all the time.  It’s taken the place of cardigans and scarves in my wardrobe, and is so much more interesting and sumptuous. The …