What I’ve been up to
I’ve been super busy in preparation for yesterday’s talk on Baroque and Rococo music and fashion, and consequentially ran out of time to blog. I always do that! I must remember to have blog posts prepared in advance for the four days before and three days after any talk or event, because otherwise I just don’t have time to blog (ergh). I’ve been doing lots of awesome stuff instead of blogging though: I made a 1770’s man’s ensemble (which I am super happy with), and a 1720’s Grand Habit (which I am not at all happy with, but oh well), and I started a 1690s mantua (which I am going to have to set aside while I finish all my other half-finished projects) and I helped Madame Ornata with her polonaise dress, and Ninon’s dress looks amazing. So now I have lots and lots of stuff to blog about! But first I have to run off up the country to give a talk to a quilting group. More madness! And now, for your entertainment and …