All posts tagged: 1780s

The Scroop + Virgils Fine Goods Aidah Gown

The Aidah vs the Angelica: what’s different

We’ve just launched the Scroop + Virgil’s Fine Goods Aidah Gown pattern, and I’ve introduced it as the ‘sister’ pattern to the Angelica Gown.  There is a lot in common between the two pattterns: they cover the same timeperiod, are both Italian gowns, and they have interchangeable elements. But, like real sisters (or at least my sisters – the youngest likes to say of me: “she’s nothing like me“), they are also very much their own distinct individuals. So, how are the patterns different? In brief, they have: Side seams (Angelica) vs no side seams (Aidah). Different front necklines Different front points/tab options Different back necklines One piece sleeves (Angelica) vs two piece sleeves (Aidah) Different back point lengths Different seaming in the four-panel back option Different front-fastening options: lacing for the Angelica, hooked or pinned for the Aidah Different construction details in the instructions whenever there were multiple historically accurate options for how to construct an Italian Gown – we picked one technique for each pattern. I’ll go into each of these differences in …