All posts tagged: 1780s

Rate the dress: 1780s yellow

Last week you dubbed Belleuse’s turn of the century madame with her cinched waist a mis-match.  None of the garments was particularly special, and they certainly didn’t go together, earning it a dismal 4.4 out of 10. To avoid last week’s complaint, this week is all about matchy-matchy, and I also thought it was due time to show you an extent garment again. This ensemble of yellow striped caraco and petticoat is on display at La Petit Trianon until 9 October in Le XVIIIe au goût du jour, an exhibition celebrating the 18th century influence on modern fashion.  If you can’t make it to France in the next month, you’ll just have enjoy it online, and you can start by considering whether you enjoy this late 18th century frock. The later 18th century is generally a popular era, but this ensemble has some challenging aspects; yellow isn’t everyones favourite colour, especially when paired with pink, and the ruffles on the bodice might be just a bit overwhelming. What do you think?  Rate the dress on …

18th Century Masquerade Costumes

A reader asked me about 18th century Masquerade costumes. Specifically, she wants to make an 18th century Grecian inspired masquerade costume. How fun!  It’s right up my alley!  I wish I had the time and reason to make one too! The theme allows for either full on stays, stomachers and paniered robes, or simpler flowing ‘negligee’, permissible under the guise of classical inspiration. There are so many possibilities! Goddesses have always been popular, and would be perfectly appropriate – one of the top masquerade destinations in 18th century London was the Pantheon. I could do Athena, goddess of wisdom, with a medusa-head stomacher. Or Diana, goddess of the moon and the hunt, with star and moon spangled hair, and even stags and bow and arrows (if I was feeling really over the top!) I bet Venus was popular in the 18th century; the goddess of love could wear a rose-wreathed frock, and have a miniature cupid in her hair. There are non-goddess options available too: Elisabeth Cudleigh, Maid of Honour to Princess Augusta of Wales, …