Let’s be honest, for all the awesome things about 18th century womenswear, pockets are probably the most awesome. Pockets big enough to fit ALL your stuff? The best! Moveable pockets that you can take from outfit to outfit without having to take everything out? Even better! Pockets that can be made out of anything from the most awesome fabric, to the smallest collection of scraps, and can be anything from un-decorated to elaborately embroidered? The dream. (While panier pockets that you can literally stuff your entire picnic into are amazing, I think that hanging pockets still take the (figurative, if not literal) cake, because you can still sit in normal chairs while wearing them). Despite my unabashed love of 18th c pockets, I’ve been making do with my not-very-historical bugs & birds pockets from 2019 under my 18th c costumes. When I cut out my blue and white chintz Amalia jacket, one of my cutting goals was to have enough left over to make pockets, without compromising the layout of the chintz pattern on the …