All posts tagged: business

Why I’ve been a bad blogger

I’m afraid I’ve been rather off my blogging form this week, and I do apologise. Rather than my usual post-a-day at 5.30ish (no, I don’t actually get up then, I write them the night before and schedule the posts!), I’ve been lucky to get a post every other day, and often they don’t publish until 5.30 in the afternoon. Anyway, over the last two weeks I have: – Made two new corsets – Finished the silver corset – Made 3 pairs of bloomers and two chemises, complete with extravagant amounts of lace and pin-tucks. – Submitted a project proposal to a museum – Submitted a paper abstract to a symposium – Worked on two wedding dress commissions – Given a talk on 1940s and 50s novelty prints to a quilting group. – Given two different talks on corsets to a burlesque expo (plus had all the planning and model fittings for 12 models for the talks). Plus made an attempt at keeping the house tidy, spending time with Mr Dreamy, spending time with my sister, …