An Edwardian Evening Gown Interlude, with complications
Theresa came to Wellington last weekend, and as usual, we did a photoshoot!* This photoshoot was our trickiest yet. The weather had been beautiful for weeks. It was, in fact, way too beautiful. It was so hot I cancelled my 18th century plans. Even with icepacks in the paniers (yep, I tried that!), silk française were just too hot. Instead I decided to go with 1910s Edwardian evening gowns: Theresa in the Laurel & me in Cobwebs. Slightly lighter. Also, as it turns out, slightly tighter. Theresa is slim, but I was really slim when I made the Laurel. And, thanks to the Fortnight in 1916 and the amazing weight-loss properties of a 1916 lifestyle, I was slightly slimmer when I made Cobwebs. Things were…snug. The weather had been beautiful for weeks. It was beautiful all day. And then, just when we finished dressing, masses of clouds rolled in and wiped out the late afternoon sunshine. So the lighting was terrible, and fading fast. We’d planned to go to the Botanical Gardens, but there was …