All posts tagged: Hawaii

Holiday traditions: The Christmas tree hike

I find this time of year very hard in NZ. I hate the changing of the seasons, because even though this is a good change (from cold to warm), it just reminds me that they will change again. I hate having Thanksgiving and Christmas in the summer.  It means all the heavy food and fun comes at the good time of year, and winter is one long, unending trudge with no holidays between June and October. I hate how commercial Christmas is here.  It’s nothing but ads on TV for consumerism, and spend, spend, spend. And I really, really miss my family, and all my family traditions. As a Baha’i, I don’t put a huge emphasis on Christmas, but I do have a great deal of respect for the religious origins of the holiday, and for all the traditions that encourage creativity, and generosity, and  spending time with friends and family. My family was big on that kind of traditions.  We had gingerbread house making parties, and cookie decorating afternoons, and we made wreaths together. …

Vintage patterns part 2

Here are the rest of my vintage patterns.  Most I inherited from Grandma or was given by Auntie Artie.   Now I just need the time to sew some of them up, though I have to say, I’m loving some of the commissions I’m working on right now!

It’s Halloweek!

As a costumer, Halloween is usually the highlight of the year – for once, you aren’t the only one dressed up! To celebrate, it’s Halloweek on the blog – everything will be about fancy dress, and costumes, and costume parties, and that sort of delicious fun. I love Halloween.  Or at least I used to.  It was great as a kid, when your costume was just about being fun, and clever.  It’s not so fun when you are an adult and your costume is expected to be sexy, and all the parties have more alcohol than candy.  And there isn’t much trick or treating in New Zealand. Trick or treating was fun and safe in the little community I grew up in – you knew all the people you visited, and all the other trick or treaters. Many years we didn’t go trick or treating – we had traditional Halloween parties with bobbing for apples and doughnuts on strings and caramel corn and skits and games.  So much fun!  Except for the one Halloween where …