All posts tagged: shoes

Wow madam…those are some shoes

Some vintage items really challenge our cultural perceptions of an era.  Take these boots. We think of the Edwardian women as status and propriety bound carryovers of the Victorian era, clad in layers of white and pastel frills, and encouraged to be eminently retiring and delicate and feminine.  These boots turn all of that on its head.  They are feminine, that’s for sure, but there is nothing retiring, pastel, or frilly about them! They are so loud, and high, but the lack of ornamentation is also very elegantly restrained.  And the curves!   They are basically the shoe version of Camille Clifford’s figure! Can you imagine the sensation that Camille would have cause if she had worn these?  My legs certainly don’t have the right curves to pull them off! I wonder who did wear them, or what market they were intended for?  Perhaps they were the sort of shoes that ‘nice’ women would never consider. Hehe, turn-of-the-century slapper boots!

Shoe love

If I was really, really rich, I would have custom made shoes based on historical examples. Like theses: I love the openwork, and the little scrolls!  The rosettes are a little much maybe. Ooooooh…the colours! *Drool*  Sigh…. Hellloo gorgeous! Ah!  So sweet!  The line work! Clearly, I have a thing for green shoes. Finally, I  definitely want these: OMG! OMG!  OMG!  Looooove!