All posts tagged: teaching

Tap pants, french knickers, cami-knickers or lingerie shorts

Whatever you call them, I think they are the best thing ever.  Especially if you do a lot of dancing and want to wear fun swirly skirts and still stay modest, or live in a city like Wellington, where every gust of wind puts your dignity at risk unless you wear trousers every single day. Don’t wear skirts?  Still the best thing ever – wear them as comfortable but sexy pajamas. I just love tap pants and wear them all the time.  That’s why one of my very first classes at Made Marion is a tap pants class – every lady needs her own super cute, super easy, super everything tap pants! I’ll be teaching students to make two types of tap pants – a very easy post-1940s version with an elastic waist, and an earlier 1920s onwards version with a side placket.  Silk, ribbons and lace insets optional. Here are a few of my favourite historical tap pants, and tomorrow I’ll show you what my versions look like. First off, my very favourite set …

More teaching! This time in Wellington!

Thank you all, Melbournians who are attending and those from across the world who have expressed that you wish you could be attending alike, for your enthusiastic response to my first international corset class.  Missed the notification?  Here it is: I’m teaching a corset making workshop at Melbourne’s fabulous craft lounge,  Thread Den,  tomorrow, Friday the 6th of April!  To read more about the course, check out  Thread Den’s class description, and then rush over and  book it.  And when I say, rush, I mean RUSH.  Today is totally the last day to do so, and I think there is only one space left. The international corset class came at an exciting time, because I was already working on developing a series of courses that I can teach in Wellington. Yes Wellingtonians, you heard that right: I’m teaching! I’m very excited about this.  I love teaching.  I’m good at it (I know that sounds vain, but sometimes you need to just acknowledge your strengths, and this is definitely one of mine).  And I want there …

The quick, easy, and brilliant, underbust corset

Were you guys getting bored of the post about my corset class in Melbourne being at the top of the blog?  I was! Be ready to be slightly bored by this post: it’s going to be sticky for the next four days (so scroll down for new content). But I’m not bored by the idea of the class – I’m super excited about it!  So just in cased you missed it: I’ll be teaching a corset making workshop at Melbourne’s fabulous craft lounge,  Thread Den  on Friday the 6th of April!  To read more about the course, check out  Thread Den’s class description, and then rush over and  book it. When I mentioned that I was teaching a one-day corset class, a number of you commented on how little time that is to make a corset.  And that’s true!  Which is why I’m so excited about this class, and so proud of myself. For over two years I’ve been working on a corset pattern and construction method that can be made up quickly, successfully adapted …