I’ve discovered some great new or new-ish resources on the internet.
First, I’ve known about the Textile Blog for a while now. It’s a fantastic resources, and all of the articles are well researched, with the sources listed (something I need to aspire to – the source listing, not the research)
The blog has had a recent upgrade, which includes a list of every textile related exhibitions on now at pretty much every museum, everywhere (OK, they are missing at least one that I know of). I haven’t figured out a logic to the order yet, but it’s still a great resource. Unfortunately, it makes me wish I could travel just about everywhere to see just about every exhibition!

Tschetschka head scarf, from the famous textile production village of Pavlov Possad, near Moscow, Russia.
Second, I’ve found an exciting new blog. It’s the blog I want to write but don’t have time for: Historical Fancy Dress. It’s still new, so we’ll have to watch and see how good it turns out to be, but so far the indications are very promising.
Two Victorian ladies and a child in a fancy dress. I recognise the little girl as a Spanish Lady and the Deck of Cards, but the central one eludes me.
I love fancy dress ideas. I am always wanting to make one but have yet to do it. I know the FIDM Museum Blog had a posting about a fancy dress book.
Maybe the middle lady is an exotic soldier? I couldn’t place the nationality… Russian? Central European? There were plenty of wars going on at the time…
Maybe she is from the opera “Daughter of the Regiment”? Whatever she is, it’s cute! Thanks for posting about this site, I needed it for ideas for the upcoming Gaskell Ball!
In one of life’s flukes, I’m friends with the dame running Historical Fancy Dress, and she just spent a week in NZ with me.
And you didn’t think to introduce us? Naughty, naughty you!
My bad! She was super busy while she was here, and only spent 4 days in Wellington.