
Sunset at Lyall Bay

Recently I had reason to drive around the back coast of Wellington from Island Bay to Lyall Bay just at sunset.  The glow on the hills was so striking I had to stop and capture the moment.

I stayed a while to watch airplanes take off from the airport, and to see seagulls squabble over the choicest seats on the rock.


Sea and sky and a journey beginning

An airplane ascends against the glow

Days end

The lights of Lyall Bay


  1. Lovely sea pictures! Nice change of scenery from the frozen ground around the midwest US.

  2. Beautiful. Thanks for that… It’s tough to live in an ugly place when you’re a person who craves beauty, so I really appreciate your photos like this..

    • I love sharing the things I love and appreciate, so am glad you enjoy them too! Wellington in a spectacularly beautiful city, and it’s amazing how much stunning scenery is within 10 minutes drive of the city centre.

      Brisbane was beautiful too, in parts. Just in a much more subtle way – you had to really look.

    • Thank you! It was so striking that I just had to pull over. It was a perfect moment. Just me and the sea and sky. And the desire to share it with you all!

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