
How does the little kitty sleep?

She sleeps tums up:

Felicity the cat the dreamstress.com

(tums up, tums up)

She sleeps tail up:

Felicity the cat the dreamstress.com

(tail up, tail up)

She sleeps toes up:

Felicity the cat the dreamstress.com

(toes up, toes up)

ย And yes, that is a totally normal, voluntary sleeping position for her!

(And yes, the lilacs are blooming)


    • That was supposed to say, “((heart melting)).” The cuteness overload is pretty hard to bear with the toes up pose.

  1. I love the feets! I have noticed that it’s always BIG cats that like to sleep on people’s hands while they type–never the tiny kitten that scarcely weighs anything.

  2. Lynne says

    That cat! She could sleep on a barricade and still look cute!

  3. Claire Payne says

    Oho! Just kiss that fluffy white tum while she sleeps ๐Ÿ˜‰ It would be worth the risk. Miss Fissy is so gorgeous.

  4. Nessa says

    Aww, a cute ball of fluff to warm your knees in winter. ๐Ÿ™‚ Does she have a name?

  5. Miss Felicity, you’d melt the heart of the Ice Queen; she’d fall in love with those Far North fluff toes!

    Our Miss Blueberry Muffin sleeps tummy-up too; however, we think it’s because Her Porkiness is more comfortable that way than sleeping on all that tummy. She’s a fluffball of a calico as well…wonder if that’s a long-haired calico trait?

    Very best,


  6. How adorable! I love how she sleeps holding her feet like that. Our cats sleep in some odd positions but I’ve never noticed that one before!

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