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A day in the life of Felicity the Sewing Cat

Felicity the Sewing Cat thedreamstress.com

7:30 am – Wake up

7:32 am – Pat Leimomi on the face to remind her to wake up and give me cuddle

7:33-7:45 – Sit on Leimomi’s chest and purr like mad, periodically reaching out to pat her face to remind her to give me head scratchies

7:50 – Breakfast!

7:52: after licking off all the sauce and eating 2 pieces of meat, go and sit by the back door and look pitiful and wistful until Leimomi opens it for me

7:53 – Eat three blades of grass, sniff another patch, and then come back inside, having decided I’m not that excited about the outdoors after all.

7:55 – Use the litter boxes instead of the great outdoors.

7:56-8:00 – Grooming session

8:00-8:20 – Back to bed for another snuggle session, this time asking to go under the blankets for a cuddle, and then to get out again 5 minutes later, and then to come back under (after I’ve contemplated the nice cave created for long enough for lots of cold air to creep in), and then out again, and then back again.

Felicity the Sewing Cat thedreamstress.com


8:20 – Leimomi gives up on a sleep in and gets up to make herself a cup of tea.  I make my first plea for second breakfast (the stuff left from first doesn’t count.  I already licked off all the sauce)

8:25 – Out-of-bed morning cuddles with Leimomi while she has her cup of tea and checks emails.

Felicity the Sewing Cat thedreamstress.com

8:45 – Morning snoozes in the sun streaming in the bedroom window

Felicity the Sewing Cat thedreamstress.com

9:30 – Second breakfast requested again, and finally delivered.  I lick off all the sauce and eat two pieces of meat.

9:35 – Mid-morning snoozes out in the garden.

Felicity the Sewing Cat thedreamstress.com

10:10 – What’s that sound?  Leimomi’s working on a pattern.  Guess it’s time for me to log on.  Quality control cat at your service!

Felicity the Sewing Cat thedreamstress.com

Felicity the Sewing Cat thedreamstress.com

11:00 – Utterly exhausted from all that work.  Time for a quick nap on the nearest pile of weirdly uncomfortable stuff I can find.

12:15 – Leimomi is having lunch.  Time to sit in the doorway and send her psychic beams reminding her that I’m a poor starving little cat, and I too need lunch.

Felicity the Sewing Cat thedreamstress.com

12:32 – it works, as it always does.

Felicity the Sewing Cat thedreamstress.com

12:50 – Back to work, keeping an eye on Leimomi from the warm embrace of my heated throne.

1:45 – Exhausted.  Recovery nap on a convenient pile of oddments

Felicity the Sewing Cat thedreamstress.com

2:40 – Oh dear, job time again.  Sounds like Leimomi is on the sewing machine, and I need to keep an eye on her.

Felicity the Sewing Cat thedreamstress.com

3:30 – The sewing continues.

4:00 – Leimomi abandons me.  Something about ‘almost out of cat food’ and ‘stopping by the vet for meds’.  How could she do this?  I’m sure it’s not as important as me!

4:30 – I am a small circle of sadness.

Felicity the Sewing Cat thedreamstress.com

5:30 – Leimomi returns.  I insistently demand reunion cuddles.  I can’t believe she makes me wait until she puts away groceries and changes out of her delightfully claw-able nice pants and into sweats.   I sit on my poof and look pitiful to remind her that some people actually love me and put me first, like the nice lady who made a poof just for me so I could easily get up on my warm throne.

Felicity the Sewing Cat thedreamstress.com

5:45 – Reunion cuddles.  Finally!

Felicity the Sewing Cat thedreamstress.com

6:20 – Dinner

6:40 – Treats

7:10 – No rest for the never-ever-wicked, as Leimomi is back to patternmaking, and clearly my help is needed.

Felicity the Sewing Cat thedreamstress.com

9:00 – Bedtime cuddles

Felicity the Sewing Cat thedreamstress.com

Such a hard life being a little old lady cat!



  1. Charly says

    Miss Felicity I hope you get an excellent commission for all the work you put into Scroop patterns. Plus a bonus for being gorgeous.

  2. Theresa Winters says

    This made me chuckle so hard. She really does put in a lot of effort with you 😉

  3. Hahaha.
    How dare Leimomi care about things for Felicity instead of Felicity herself!
    And how dare she assume the sauce isn’t the most important part!

  4. Claire Payne says

    Miss Fissy! Gorgeous as ever. I have a similar day with my cat Cwtch, only she sometimes attacks my legs under the table as I attempt to work if I don’t succumb to her demands. Cwtch’s 1-year old siblings Calon Lan and George pop in to check on me, get cuddles and go outside for most of the day. I have to be at maximum productivity when they all nap or I get very little done.

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