All posts filed under: 20th Century

Clothing the world of Katherine Mansfield

Well, it’s been almost a week since the Katherine Mansfield talk, and I am mostly recovered, and most of the stuff is washed and put away and life is mostly back to normal! I’ve seen some of the photographer’s images from the talk, and they look amazing.  Definitely something to look forward to! For now, here are a few more informal glimpses from my camera, courtesy of various models backstage, and Madame O in the audience during the talk. Zara from Off-Grid Chic  (modeling my green ’20s gown) and Juliet of Crazy Gypsy Chronicles (in the 1910s longline) have a modern technology moment in the middle of historical costuming. Sandra of Flossie FT doing hair: All dressing rooms should have spectacular stained glass windows: And then, the talk! How adorable is Martha in the 1920s bathers?   Yellow stockings! And a dress with wings!

A glimpse of yellow (& Katherine Mansfield)

I have been so busy with life and work and events that I’ve gotten ridiculously behind on the HSF blogging: both in showing off my own items for each challenge, and in general blog posts.  I’m going to be trying to remedy that over the next week, as well as showing you photos from Clothing the World of Katherine Mansfield as they come in. Today, I can accomplish both! The photos are technically terrible, because my camera is a $900 piece of crap (dear Canon: in case you aren’t already aware, the S100 sucks, has seriously dented my faith in you as a camera company, and should never have been released) and can’t handle movement or low light, or macros.  But  anyway… Stockings!  Bright, kowhai yellow stockings! Hidden demurely under frills of petticoat and the 1906 Greek Key dress, in a nod to Katherine’s fondness for bright coloured stockings. Aren’t they fabulous? And they are my entry for the HSF ‘Yellow’ Challenge (#17) – they were done during the challenge, but I didn’t get photographs …

Rate the Dress: A Lady of Fashion, 1914

Last week I showed you an 1890s Worth dress, to mixed reviews.  Some of you saw Worth, and looked no further, some thought it was quite an off day.  But you’ll have to wait for an add up, as I need to finish a dress, a swimsuit, and a jacket in the next three days! It’s all go with Katherine Mansfield fashions this week, and I was almost too busy to do a Rate the Dress. So here is a quick Mansfield inspired one: something 1910s and avant garde, and (as she always overran her clothing allowance), probably quite pricey: What do you think of the hobble-skirt and the layered jacket?  The touch of cobalt in the hat? Rate the Dress on a Scale of 1 to 10