All posts tagged: finished projects

Tackling the UF-pros – a 1930’s evening skirt

As part of my whole “doing the mending, cleaning the house” binge, I have tackled my pile of UF-pros (un-finished projects). On the top of the pile was the 1930s dress I made as a trial run for my wedding dress (yeah, I’m blogging about that next week – don’t worry!). The dress had two problems: It was blush pink georgette, lined in beige.  Not a good idea for someone who is already basically blush pink and beige. The bodice never fit properly. Unfortunately, there are no images of the original dress for me to show you what it looked like, or what I looked like in it.  But it needed help. So, after a go at re-lining the whole dress in a maroon-fuchsia (I just can’t describe the colour right now!) satin, which did improve the whole blush pink and beige problem a bit, but made the bodice fit even worse than it had previously, I chopped off the whole bodice. Then, I did the worse job ever of stay-stitching along the top of …