All posts tagged: South Island

Friday Review: Edoras/Mt Sunday

Mt Sunday, Mt. Potts Station, near Lake Clearwater, South Island, NZ What it is: In case you were living under a rock for all of the first 5 years of this millennium, the Lord of the Rings trilogy was filmed in NZ.  Consequently, the NZ landscape is littered with picturesque filming locations, and the picturesque filming locations are littered with tourists clutching film stills and comparing them to the scenery. One of the more popular of these locations is Mt Sunday, where the Rohanian city of Edoras was filmed. The Good: Mt Sunday actually looks like the film set, unlike most other locations.  It’s relatively accessible, and the scenery is stunning enough to be worth seeing, even if you aren’t a LotR fan.  Oh, and it’s a lovely little hike. The Bad: The roads aren’t the best.  We watched a tour group in a 4 wheel drive get stuck in a mudhole.  We had (wisely) parked much further back and decided to hike the rest of the way.  I’m afraid we were rather smug and …

Road trip!

This is what we did on our road trip: Spent a lot of time in a small car (yep, 5 adults and all their stuff in that car) Once it even sort of broke down: There was a lot of singing and joking and car games, and yes, sleeping: Sometimes we went on hikes: We headed way off the beaten track: We even had to ford the occasional stream: After all this exertion, it’s no surprise that we got tired and needed more naps: Lots and lots of naps… To keep our energy up, we ate lots of food.  Some of it was good for us. Most of it wasn’t: More than anything, we posed for pictures: And took pictures: Lots of lots of pictures: And then there was the random stuff that is hard to explain: Yeah…about that…