Last time I was in Hawaii I managed to get all sorts of gorgeous bug photographs.
This time my creepy-crawlie collecting wasn’t so fruitful, but I did get some lovely images of birds to make up for it.

Why hello little sparrow

The endangered Hawaiian 'alae 'ula (red billed Moorhen) was my most exciting sighting

The 'alae 'ula is clearly a distant cousin of the flashier NZ pukeko

A black swan. Native in Australia, endemic in NZ, and I had to go to Hawaii to get a photo of one!

I love the ruffling of the feathers. This image is going into my inspiration file

The red bill with the black feathers is amazing!

I love mourning doves. Sometimes I can hear them in the background when I phone home to Hawaii, and it makes me homesick like nothing else.

An exciting caterpillar eats a mango lilikoi leaf.

Ants collect pollen and dew on a squash blossom
Ditto on the mourning doves. I haven’t heard them since I moved to Sweden, and they were also my favorite.
I want to say “Awww”…but that seems trite. Where were you from that there were mourning doves? I don’t recall them in New York or California, but they might be in the South.
I adore birds! You photos are lovely.