
Felicity and the bumblebee

Felicity finally managed to catch a bumblebee last Friday, with predictable chaos and unhappiness on all sides.

Felicity was freaked out and in pain, I was freaked out, and after finally managing to catch my freaked out cat, in a little cat induced pain of my own, and I doubt the bumblebee loved the ordeal.

After a quarter of an hour of Felicity running in and out of the house and bouncing around like a brickle ball, and me trying to get ahold of her so I could remove the bumblebee, she managed to knock it off herself.

There was another quarter of an hour of puffing and hissing while she calmed down, and then all was back to normal.

I do hope she retains a little wisdom from this experience and gives up on her effort to catch bumblebees in the future!

Oooh, what's that?

Fuzzy buzzy little bee

Poor Fissy!

Poor bee!


    • Yeah, but she did deserve it! She has been catching and munching small flying things for years – one of these days one of them was bound to get revenge!

  1. Curiosity didn’t get her this time… Glad she’s alright.

    I’m not sure if it’s me or your writing, but is everything a metaphor?

    • Do you mean a metaphor in terms of being an allegory? No, not usually!

      I did use one simile in this post, but no metaphors (unless you content that insects can’t feel, and thus ascribing unhappiness to them is a metaphor, but that is a stretch).

      I do like metaphors as a literary device. Do I over-use them? I hadn’t noticed that I used metaphors nearly as often as I use alliteration (for example). Or parenthesis.

  2. Also, wondering if you have any book recommendations or links on Weimar bohos, since you studied it. If you aren’t too busy.

    • Oh gosh, that was so long ago! And it was just an odd coincidence that I ended up taking classes on German literature and film, and classes on Weimar art, and getting assigned the Threepenny Opera in costuming all at the same time!

      • Ah, alright. And I think I meant metaphor, one of the delights of keeping pets is they can often offer insights into how we behave. Cats find bumblebees fascinating, and will often chase them, watch them for hours. But when they catch one, ouch! The pain! How awful! Maybe some things should be left as a bumblebee in the grass, rather than being caught.

        Something like that. It’s not your writing, it’s definitely me. 🙂

  3. Further reflection and reading shows “allegory” as possibly the better word. I do like knowing intelligent folks.

  4. jackiead says

    Love that little Fissy cat of yours. I doubt if she has learned her lesson, the cat’s curiosity is too strong to resist the temptation of a flying object.

  5. Melanie Wadham says

    Your Felicity is absolutely gorgeous!! We have a Si-Rex, cross between a Devon Rex and a chocolate point Siamese, she is a wee little girl but with a temper that makes up for it! We have lizards brought in to us tailless as they drop them in fright every day for presents! She sniffs them out like a little dog!
    Am new to your blog and f/b page, love it all!

    • Welcome! Your kitty sounds like she would get on like a house on fire with Fissy – I don’t think anything would be safe!

  6. Nathan Redshield says

    Our late cat, Josie, chased, caught, and ate bumblebees. Don’t think any bit her because she never stopped doing it. Foodwise she preferred birds, eating the whole bird except the feet and the wingtips; mice however she just chewed on the heads then gave up.

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