I’m madly busy sewing and writing and researching for two upcoming events.
The first I’ve already blogged about, it’s the Pompeii to Paris redux as part of the Blow Creative Arts Festival.
Excitingly, it looks like it may be webcast live, but I don’t know the details of that yet. I’ll keep you updated.
The second is a bit more unusual (at least for me).
I’m going to be presenting at Pecha Kucha.
Some of you are thinking “oh, cool!”, but probably most of you are thinking “what the heck is Pecha Kucha?”
Pecha Kucha is a relatively recent movement/presentation format that started in Japan. A bunch of interesting people are invited to present, and each presentation consists of 20 slides which each last for 20 seconds, so the whole presentation is only 6 minutes and 40 seconds in length.
This means that in one evening you get to be introduced to a dozen interesting ideas, and if some of them aren’t so interesting, well, at least they don’t last long.
As a public speaker and presenter, it’s a fascinating challenge for me: how to present a dynamic, interesting, and complete idea in only 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
Obviously I’m talking about historical fashion, but within the time limit, I can only focus on one dress, so I’m going to talk about the chemise a la reine.
I’ve chosen a suitable provocative and intellectual title, and am carefully sculpting my discussion.
The Queen’s Underwear:
How an Un/Dress Caused a Revolution
(in more ways than one)

Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun, Marie Antoinette with a rose, 1783
Should be fun!
Interested? In Wellington?
Come along on 22 November to the Overseas Terminal, Azzura Room, Upstairs, Chaffers Marina to hear me and a bunch of other fascinating people talk about our creative endeavors.
There’s a similar presentation series here in the ’States called Ignite (http://igniteshow.com/). They post all the presentations online… please let us know if Pecha Kucha puts yours up somewhere!
Will do! Ignite is actually a Pecha Kucha spin-off (and Pecha Kucha happens in the US, and all over the world, too).
I’ll have to stay on the lookout for Pecha Kucha around here. Or anything like it, really. Even Ignite hasn’t made it to my city yet, but I know some people that have participated elsewhere.
I’m so happy that you’re doing Pecha Kucha, Leimomi (and I am going to take full credit for recommending you as a speaker, m’kay?)!
Ignite happens in Wellington, too, as does another similar evening called NerdNight. My pal videos all the Pecha Kucha talks, so everyone will be able to see Leimomi’s presentation — no matter where they live.
All the credit is yours! And great to know it will be video recorded!