I’m a wee bit behind posting challenge pages for the HSF, because I got rather stumped about what to post for Challenge #8, due Thur May 1: UFOs & PHDs. It’s not like you need inspiration: you either have that stack of UFOs & PHDs, or don’t!
In sewing parlance, a UFO is an Un-Finished Project, and a PHD is a Project Half Done.
I prefer the term PHD: it’s so much more positive than UFO: it’s the ‘glass half full’ speak of sewing, and besides, it sounds posher! And who doesn’t enjoy saying that they have multiple PHDs? 😉
I certainly have A LOT of PHDs – far more than I would like to.
I’ve got Emily’s Dress (all those bloody pintucks…):

Evening dress worn by Mrs Emily Jane Mildon (nee Whitley), 1902-1904, Collection of Te Manawa Arts and Cultural Centre
And the Frou Frou francaise, which is what I plan to do.
And the Chinoiserie ensemble is only half done, so technically it’s a PHD…
And I need to do some work on the Tea Gown, which makes it kind of a PHD (and man, is making a portfolio for that long overdue…)
And I’ve always meant to make a day bodice for the raspberry swirl gown, though I like that outfit less and less every year, so it may never happen. You never know though!
And finally, there are actually the foundation beginnings of Mariana Victoria’s blue dress sitting in a suitcase somewhere. Someday they should come out…
And there is a cut out 1770s mans waistcoat somewhere, and a half-finished 1930s swimsuit, and oh, probably some other things I can’t remember! At least SOME of them will get done this year!
So good luck with your own UFO/PHD projects, and I look forward to seeing the doubly-exciting finished projects when HSF Challenge #8 comes around!
If you’re looking for our opinions, I think you should do the Chinoiserie bodice for Challenge # 8!
Tempting, but I’m going to save it for Challenge #11: Politics of Fashion, because it fits so beautifully into that one, and because the Frou Frou Francaise feels more like a PHD. And being wool, it will be nice to wear in the middle of winter, whereas I’m hoping I can get a last-days-of-autumn photoshoot with the francaise.
Sounds like a good PLN. (Rob Anybody)
I’m hoping to get my Polonaise finished for that one, it’s my only PHD and none of the other challenges really fit it
I’m looking forward to this one; it will give me another shot at the Innovation challenge.
[…] UFOs & PHDs: I do have a whole hangar of […]
Done early! Yay! A pair of 1790s stays started way too many years ago (2010) are finally finished.
Your stays are beautiful, I really love the color. Prentice
Technically, this has been in the UFO bin for at least 15 years. Is that a new record?
The floral print is really pretty. I need to make one. Great job.
By sneakily rebranding my super-late ‘Bodice’ entry as a PHD, I actually get to complete a challenge early! Yay!
Pretty, truly dainty and pretty. Prentice
Two posts for this one! An overview of my PHDs and an in depth of one of the projects.
Wow, you completed both items. The pants look great and dress is really pretty as well.
I accidentally made a UFO out of a project I had planned for months, does that count?
I like it, I want it. It’s beautiful.
[…] bit of time to finish up a partially completed Regency reticule, which perfectly fits challenge #8: UFOs and PHDs (click through the link if you don’t know what those acronyms mean in […]
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Completed a small project! At least it’s progress!
It is so cute. Where did you find the fabric?
The hat was only half the outfit, here comes the 1895’s little girl’s dress :
It’s just too sweet. Very pretty!
I finished binding a set of corded late 18th century stays that I made late last summer.
I finished my daughter’s pink gown from the pink challenge.
My blog has moved so the ruched trimmed 18th century pink gown can now be found here:
Phew! Just sneaked this in before the next challenge is due. My TV Polonaise, complete a year after I began. Why so delayed? Blame it on the sleeve-attachment-phobia
A very late entry, but then my UFO became my outfit for my SCA Laurelling ceremony and I wanted to keep it under wraps until the event, which was last night.
I finally posted my finished the Red Rose Bodice.
[…] finished the dress in time for the Historical sew Fortnightly’s Challenge #8 Unfinished Objects and Projects Half-Done, but didn’t post it within the 2 weeks of the challenge due date. I’ll be including it […]