The Idea and Inspiration:
The fabulous Emily of EverSoScrumptious offered to trade me a corset for a website. How could I refuse? I love the idea of direct trade of skills, skipping the changing money part. And Emily has the most scrumptiously, enviably, corsetable figure – such a joy to work with and design for! And she designs lovely websites 😉
We went fabric shopping, and found a fabric that we absolutely loved in most ways: it had a gorgeous embroidery pattern that we could work into the cut of the corset, and was the perfect weight and price. But it was boring grey on light grey. Blech. So I dyed it purple, turning it lilac on darkest purple – perfect!
Fabric and Materials:
Grey cotton twill with light grey embroidery, dyed purple-black with lilac purple embroidery. Lined in crisp mauve cotton with a foiled finish. Spring-steel and spiral-steel bones, metal busk.
The Dress Diary:
Emily in the corset at a corset talk
The Finished Corset:
- Emily and her scrumptious corset
it would be neat to have a photo of the fabric pre-dye-and yes, it turned out marvelously. seeing your work makes me want to sew again, but for now, other things call.
Alas, I did not take any photos of the fabric before I dyed it.