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Woman's dolman mantle, front & back views. Harper's Bazaar, November 1871

Terminology: What is a Dolman? (the Victorian kind)

The bodice of the current Rate the Dress has caused some commentary.  What’s with the fitted back and loose front?  What’s with those tassel-y things?  Is it an indoor or outdoor garment?  And most of all, what’s with those sleeves?

Visiting outfit, ca 1885, silk velvet & silk ottoman, sold by Tessier-Sarrou-et-Associes

Visiting outfit, ca 1885, silk velvet & silk ottoman, sold by Tessier-Sarrou-et-Associes

Let’s dig into this peculiar garment.  It’s called a dolman.  If a tea gown is the most elegant possible variation of a bathrobe, a dolman is the most elegant possible variation of a poncho.

Visiting outfit, ca 1885, silk velvet & silk ottoman, sold by Tessier-Sarrou-et-Associes

Visiting outfit, ca 1885, silk velvet & silk ottoman, sold by Tessier-Sarrou-et-Associes

What is a dolman?

A dolman was a coat-cape hybrid fashionable from the 1860s to the 1880s. The defining feature of the dolman is the wide cape-sleeves which are sewn into the side seams of the jacket at front and back, and the loose fit of the front of the jacket, even as the back sits snuggly against the waist, highlighting the shape of the bustle. ⁠ ⁠

Dolman mantle of velvet, Redmayne and Co., London, ca. 1885, V&A T.653-1996

Dolman mantle of velvet, Redmayne and Co., London, ca. 1885, V&A T.653-1996

Dolman Origins:

Dolmans had their origins in two of Western fashions favourite sources of inspiration: the military, and the ‘Orient’ (in this case, Turkey & the Ottoman Empire).

Dolmans came to Europe via the Hussars: light cavalry from Hungary and other countries bordering the Ottoman Empire.  They were known for their uniforms of tightly fitted, heavily decorated jackets, with loose pelisse-over-jackets thrown across the shoulders.

Uniform of Hussar Grodno Regiment, 1895

Uniform of Hussar Grodno Regiment, 1895

The Hussars, in their turn, had adapted their uniform from garments worn in Ottoman Empire: loose over-jackets heavily trimmed with horizontal braiding and tassels, and squared brimless hats with sprays of feathers.

Hieronymus Joachims, Portrait of Johann Rudolph Schmid, Baron of Schwarzemhorn, at the Sultan of Jahre in 1651

Hieronymus Joachims, Portrait of Johann Rudolph Schmid, Baron of Schwarzemhorn, at the Sultan of Jahre’s court in 1651

For the Ottomans, the loose outer jacket was the dolaman.

Portrait of Sultan Ahmed III (1703-1730). Part of a series of paintings sent to the Netherlands in 1817

Portrait of Sultan Ahmed III (1703-1730). Part of a series of paintings sent to the Netherlands by the Dutch ambassador to the Ottoman Empire in 1817

Hussars acquired a reputation for being especially courageous and dashing, adding cachet to the term and the uniform.  The word, the idea, and the uniform of Hussars was borrowed by countries across Europe (and even further abroad) in the 18th and early 19th century, until almost every army had some version of its own light cavalry with a uniform that included a hanging over-jacket.

Archduke Stephen of Austria, Palatine of Hungary, in 19th-century Hungarian general's hussar style gala uniform;[1] with characteristic tight dolman jacket, loose-hanging pelisse over-jacket, and busby

Archduke Stephen of Austria, Palatine of Hungary, in 19th-century Hungarian general’s hussar style gala uniform

With the Hussar uniform so widespread, and the Hussars romantic reputation, it was inevitable that elements of their uniform ended up in fashionable dress.  The shako hat horizontal trim, and pelisse as an outer garment became part of fashionable dress in the first decades of the 19th century.  In the 1860s it was the dolmans turn.

Well, kind of.  For the Hussar, the dolman was the fitted jacket – the element that linked it to the Ottoman original was the horizontal braid.  The loose outer jacket was the pelisse.

NPG 313; Henry William Paget, 1st Marquess of Anglesey by Henry Edridge

Henry William Paget, 1st Marquess of Anglesey wearing a Hussar’s uniform, by Henry Edridge, pencil and watercolour, 1808, NPG 313

The Dolman in European fashion:

When women began wearing dolmans in the 1860s, they were inspired by the loose over-jacket, and so a dolman became a mantle with very wide, almost cape-like sleeves attached to the body all the way down.  This may have been because there was general confusion over which part of the costume was the dolman: this 1864 news article (warning, racism, quote about dolman is at the very end of the article) is definitely under the impression that it is the hanging part.

Woman's dolman mantle, front & back views. Harper's Bazaar, November 1871

Woman’s dolman mantle, front & back views. Harper’s Bazaar, November 1871

Dolman, 1860s, British, wool, Metropolitan Museum of Art, C.I.40.84

Dolman, 1860s, British, wool, Metropolitan Museum of Art, C.I.40.84

The earliest fashion plates and fashion articles I can find about dolmans are from the early 1870.  Some imply that the dolman was well established “The Dolman cloak – always comfortable and becoming – is in favour, and the prevailing colours are bottle green, cronza, marine blue…“, or mention “The dolman form of mantelet with wide pointed sleeves or imitation sleeves will still be seen – of course made in silks or other thin materials”.  Other advertisements from the same year describe it as new, suggesting that the dolman only became widespread in the very late 1860s.

Dolman, 1860s, British, wool, Metropolitan Museum of Art, C.I.40.84

Dolman, 1860s, British, wool, Metropolitan Museum of Art, C.I.40.84

Early dolmans almost look like sleeved versions of burnous (read the terminology post about them here):

Seaside burnouse, The Queen Magazine, August 30, 1873, via Koshka the Cat

Burnous, Journal des Demoiselles, December 1858

Burnous, Journal des Demoiselles, December 1858

Both were loose, and frequently featured elaborate tassel and fringe trim.  It’s a classic example of different styles blurring together, particularly when they both came from sources considered ‘exotic’ in Europe.

Dolman, probably American; Dolman; 1885–90, silk, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1979.339.1

Dolman, probably American; Dolman; 1885–90, silk, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1979.339.1

Dolman, probably American; Dolman; 1885–90, silk, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1979.339.1

Dolman, probably American; Dolman; 1885–90, silk, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1979.339.1

In another crossover of Eastern-fashion-in-Western-Dress, dolmans were frequently made from Kashmiri shawls, turning the now-unfashionable unfitted squares into a new garment which took advantage of their warmth and colours while sporting a silhouette that was much more a la modé.

Woman's mantle or dolman, British, 1878-82; made of Indian wool shawl, V&A T.44-1957

Woman’s mantle or dolman, British, 1878-82; made of Indian wool shawl, V&A T.44-1957

Not everyone was a fan of dolmans.  An 1877 fashion article includes a man’s impression of a dolman

“A sort of a cross between the ancient’s long double-barrelled basque, with pointed haversack, and the Martha Washington nightgown, cut goring and elaborate trimmed with old style ball fringe.  It gives a careless air to the figure, about as pleasing as might be formed by drawing a meal-bag on a pump.”


As bustles became more fashionable, dolman became more fitted and tailored at the back, to show off the increasingly prominent posterior.

Dolman, American; Dolman; circa 1883 wool, silk, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1982.348.2

Dolman, American; Dolman; circa 1883 wool, silk, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1982.348.2

They also lengthened at the front, to lengthen the front silhouette, and provide visual interest.  The loose almost-cape shape became more tailored, with the sleeves becoming smaller at the cuffs, rather than having a wide pagoda shape.

Dolman, American; Dolman; circa 1883, wool, silk, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1982.348.2

Dolman, American; Dolman; circa 1883, wool, silk, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1982.348.2

The dolman did retain its essential cape-like feature of sleeves attached to the body from shoulder to waist, which, combined with the narrower cuffs, resulted in a coat-cape hybrid that significantly restricted the wearer’s movements.  Fine for a wealthy lady of leisure who could expect maids and footmen to fulfil her every whim, not so much for anyone needing to do anything practical!

Dolman, silk velvet, c.1880s. Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute- C.I.39.29.

Dolman, silk velvet, c.1880s. Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute- C.I.39.29.

As well as being a cross between a coat and a cape, dolmans were a cross between an indoor and outdoor garment.

Dolman, ca. 1871, American, silk, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1979.346.96

Dolman, ca. 1871, American, silk, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1979.346.96

They were frequently made from lush, expensive indoor fabrics, like the example above, but their cut signified that the wearer was moving from indoors to out and back again, and did not intend to settle indoors. This made them ideal for ‘visiting’ costume, when a society lady would visit each of her friends in turn, leaving a card or staying for a brief cup of tea before moving on.⁠

And that’s what the dolman that started this whole post was for!  It’s just exciting and interesting because it has a matching skirt, so is a full ensemble:

Visiting outfit, ca 1885, silk velvet & silk ottoman, sold by Tessier-Sarrou-et-Associes

Visiting outfit, ca 1885, silk velvet & silk ottoman, sold by Tessier-Sarrou-et-Associes

Dolmans became less fashionable as the bustle fell out of fashion at the beginning of the 1890s, and all but disappeared with the extraordinarily full sleeves of 1894-96.

There are scattered examples of dolman inspired garments throughout the 1910s and 20s:

Draped dolman wrap, 1919

Draped dolman wrap, 1919

Dolman-inspired items re-entered fashion in a big way in the 1930s, and stayed there throughout the 40s and 50s, when designers like Vionnet and Claire McCardell used dolman sleeves: sleeves cut in one with the body, very wide where they join the body of the garment, and tapering to be fitted at the cuffs.


Johnston, Lucy.  Nineteenth-Century Fashion in Detail.  London: V&A Publishig, 2005

O’Hara, Georgina,  The Encyclopedia of Fashion: From 1840 to the 1980s.  London: Thames and Hudson Ltd.  1986

The Cassandra Stays Sew-Along: Sewing Down the Seam Allowances

Previously on The Cassandra Stays Sew Along:

Apologies for taking almost two months to get back to this!  How time flew…

Luckily, this next step is a pretty easy one – definitely not one that requires perfect stitching.

Securing the Seam Allowances

Seam Allowances Cassandra Stays

18th century stay construction is unusual to a modern sewist because you bone each panel, sew the seam allowances down, and THEN sew the panels together, rather than sewing the panels together and then pressing down the seam allowances.

Seam Allowances Cassandra Stays

The advantage of the 18th century method is that it makes it easier to adjust the stays later – particularly if the adjustment you need is inserting a panel.

Seam Allowances Cassandra Stays

Because the stitches just need to hold the seam allowances in place, they don’t require a lot of strength, and can be quite large and rough.

Seam Allowances Cassandra Stays

While your stitches themselves can be rough, there are a few things that will give you a better result at this step:

  • Make sure you have basted around your pattern piece exactly on the line you want to press your seam allowances back on, so you press the same amount of seam allowance back on each piece mirrored.
  • Press your seam allowances back with an iron so they are nice and flat
    Seam Allowances Cassandra Stays
  • Sew back the seam allowances for both the left and right panel, and then check them against each other to make sure they are perfectly symmetrical.   This is particularly important at the front point: I press and sew both points at the same time, continuously checking to make sure the points end up even.Seam Allowances Cassandra Stays
  • Sew the seam allowances down all the way into the tabs – if there is a slight curve, distribute the ease of the seam allowance and then use the iron to press it flat:

Seam Allowances Cassandra Stays

And that’s it!

Up next:

Whipping the panels together:

Seam Allowances Cassandra Stays

And then you’ll have assembled stays!

(and then you have the tricky parts, like seam tapes and binding…)

Visiting outfit, ca 1885, silk velvet & silk ottoman, sold by Tessier-Sarrou-et-Associes

Rate the Dress: 1880s beads & velvet

Last week:  An 1890s dress with a sexy silhouette and an eye-catching colour.

I try not to influence the rating with my description and analysis of the featured garment, but it’s impossible not to.  Last week’s dress was the perfect example.  I can’t imagine it would have gotten quite so positive a reception had I not waxed poetic about how that style of dress had influenced Hawai’ian fashion.

Even so, it was a divisive dress: some of you loved how modern and unexpected the fabric was, some of you didn’t.  And no one was really a fan of the odd lace and unbalanced velvet, though some felt it was still fabulous enough for a perfect 10.

I did love Natalie’s commentary on the trims: “The saturated purple and the main fabric pattern are yummy, like a ripe plum on the tree, and that pop of green is super. Velvet ribbon trim is oh-so-1890s and early 1900s; fashionable wear used it lavishly and I have some amusing quotes about the proclivity of teen girls to trimming everything with it till they were positively fluttering.”

The Total: 7.6 out of 10

I’ll be honest, that’s better than I thought it would do!

This week: 1880s jewel tones, velvet, and lots of beading

This episode’s choice for Rate the Dress could not be less suitable for Hawai’i if it tried:

Visiting outfit, ca 1885, silk velvet & silk ottoman, sold by Tessier-Sarrou-et-Associes

Visiting outfit, ca 1885, silk velvet & silk ottoman, sold by Tessier-Sarrou-et-Associes

Although, Hawai’i does have tall mountains that get cold, and the Hawai’ian monarchy wore some pretty spectacular 1880s fashions, so perhaps it could work after all…

Visiting outfit, ca 1885, silk velvet & silk ottoman, sold by Tessier-Sarrou-et-Associes

Visiting outfit, ca 1885, silk velvet & silk ottoman, sold by Tessier-Sarrou-et-Associes

And the triangular repeat of the beading is very reminiscent of the type of patterns seen on kapa and in Hawai’ian woodcarving, although I very much doubt that is what the designer and maker of this garment was using as inspiration!

Visiting outfit, ca 1885, silk velvet & silk ottoman, sold by Tessier-Sarrou-et-Associes

Visiting outfit, ca 1885, silk velvet & silk ottoman, sold by Tessier-Sarrou-et-Associes

I actually went on the opposite emotional journey with this ensemble that I did with last week’s dress.  When I saw last week’s dress my first thought was ‘urgh!’, but then the unexpected fabric grew on me, and I noticed the subtlety of the torso draping, and I realised how much it was the style of garment that influenced Hawai’ian attire.  In contrast, my initial reaction to this week’s visiting ensemble was delight, but the more I’ve looked at it, the less I like it.  I can’t quite put my finger on why.

Visiting outfit, ca 1885, silk velvet & silk ottoman, sold by Tessier-Sarrou-et-Associes

Visiting outfit, ca 1885, silk velvet & silk ottoman, sold by Tessier-Sarrou-et-Associes

Is it too elaborate and decorated and imposing?  Too much a dress to show off in?

Or am I just crazy and is this actually the peak of all that is glorious and beautiful?

Rate the Dress on a Scale of 1 to 10

A reminder about rating — feel free to be critical if you don’t like a thing, but make sure that your comments aren’t actually insulting to those who do like a garment.  Phrase criticism as your opinion, rather than a flat fact. Our different tastes are what make Rate the Dress so interesting.  It’s no fun when a comment implies that anyone who doesn’t agree with it, or who would wear a garment, is totally lacking in taste.

As usual, nothing more complicated than a .5.  I also hugely appreciate it if you only do one rating, and set it on a line at the very end of your comment.