All posts tagged: Juno dress

Another Pompeii to Paris talk

As I have mentioned (numerous times) I had another go at the Pompeii to Paris talk on Thursday. It was a crazy day: sewing and dressing and transporting things across town and organising, and then, at the end of it, getting in invite to be a last minute guest speaker for another event. But that’s another story.  So here is Thursday’s story, in pictures. The dressing room was tiny, so the dressed models waited in the theater before the audience arrived: They chatted, and compared dresses, and posed for pictures, and goofed off, and did lots of fun stuff, all of which I missed, because I was busy being…busy. I was the last person dressed and made up, so missed all the fun.  I ran out just in time for the talk, but at least I got to admire all the beautiful models in their dresses as I talked. The models came out in chronological order. This time I had a power point to go with the talk, so it was wonderful to be able …

Juno dress: draping the skirt

The Juno dress is coming along. I’ve been draping the skirt. First I needed to patch the last bits of support fabric (the dark blue) that weren’t covered because the duchesse wasn’t wide enough to drape all the way across the skirt. I just used scraps of fabric for the patching, because it is all in areas that will be hidden by the tulle With that all done, I sewed the back of the skirt on, and arranged the pleats: Now, I’m sure you have all been looking at this and thinking “that doesn’t look like train on your inspiration picture!” And no, it doesn’t. But it will. If you’ve been following my facebook page you may have an inkling of why it doesn’t look like the train above, and how it will. If you don’t follow my facebook page, you’ll have to wait a few days to find out. I’m off to go drape some tulle now.