All posts tagged: New Zealand

Road trip!

This is what we did on our road trip: Spent a lot of time in a small car (yep, 5 adults and all their stuff in that car) Once it even sort of broke down: There was a lot of singing and joking and car games, and yes, sleeping: Sometimes we went on hikes: We headed way off the beaten track: We even had to ford the occasional stream: After all this exertion, it’s no surprise that we got tired and needed more naps: Lots and lots of naps… To keep our energy up, we ate lots of food.  Some of it was good for us. Most of it wasn’t: More than anything, we posed for pictures: And took pictures: Lots of lots of pictures: And then there was the random stuff that is hard to explain: Yeah…about that…

Back to civilisation

After 13 amazing days touring the South Island of NZ, living out of a car and sleeping in tents and backpackers and wearing the same clothes over and over, it’s lovely to be back in civilisation, enjoying clothes and beds and technology. And sewing!  I’m so excited about being back at my machine (though I did do hand sewing on the trip), and can’t wait to show you all the projects I’m working on. I want to show you photographs too…but… my memory card failed.  And I have to take it to a computer shop and hope they can be recovered. Grrr….bummer!

A quintessential kiwi experience

I got held up in my car this morning, waiting for a herd of sheep to cross the road. You can’t get any more New Zealand than that. Granted, I live in a city, and the herd I waited for the was the local petting zoo being unloaded for a party at my neighbors house. Not quite the usual postcard picture. Still, it felt very NZ, and reminded me of how much I like springtime, especially the parts that involve gamboling lambs. Here are some of my lamb experiences: