More cute women’s and children’s fashions from my early ’50s Japanese pattern book.
This series of pages is all in boring black and white , but I hope you will still find them interesting.

Cute kiddie dresses, and mommy dresses for running after the kiddies

Summer dresses. Love the polka dot sash!

I don't think there is a boy alive who could live those ruffled rompers down

I might not be the right age, but I am all about that tartan skirt and pussy bow!

I am alarmed that the lady on the far right has a waist narrower than her neck

They did the best pockets in the early 50s
These next few pages are the only adults in the whole book who look remotely Japanese:

The coat dress! And the stripey one!

Those pockets! And the shawl collar! And the boat neck!

So sweet!

OK, now the little girls have creepy waists
And there aren’t just dress patterns! There are hat patterns!

Cute little hats and big romantic hats
I remember those little matching bolero jackets that the woman on the right of the second group is wearing. They could be very cute, and were much smarter over a dress than a cardi (standard fare), but they were not kind to anyone with a bust!
Well, women with busts lucked out so much with the rest of 1950s fashion you had to give the bustless at least one advantage!
I am really surprised that these are Japanese Patterns with Caucasian “models”. Made in the US and translated?
We actually had a whole discussion about this when I posted the first two parts. It may be that the patterns and illustrations were imported from the US (or some other Western country, but the US is by far the most likely), or that the blond, Caucasian look was so much the fashion standard that that was simple what the designers drew.
I just love those round gentle necklines!
So many tiny tiny weeny waists!